Why Choose
The Alternative Board?
The Alternative Board method has been proven a success in
over 25 countries world-wide.
The Alternative Board System

TAB Board Meetings
Our Board Members meet with other TAB Board Members, along with their TAB Facilitator-Coaches, to roundtable their challenges and opportunities in an advisory board setting.
TAB Board Members take advantage of monthly coaching their TAB Facilitator-Coach.
We have the optional service of consulting which many franchisees offer, taking further advantage of their own areas of expertise.
There are three different management development training programs, optional to executives and other managers.
How Does The Alternative Board Help With Sales?
Since conception, TAB has prided itself on developing and testing marketing strategies and tools to ensure effectiveness before rolling out to franchisees. This means that each TAB Business Owner (TBO) can directly benefit and build their business. Starting from an Integrated Membership Acquisition Programme of a wide range of marketing approaches and tools, to a tested membership-sales process, our TBOs approach business development strategically and with intention. New member acquisition training starts in the classroom, with instructive, interactive discussions and play-throughs. Utilising our Field Support Training Programme, TBOs get to apply this learning with a trainer by their side for demonstration, coaching and encouragement. The experienced trainer will accompany the TBO for both on-site and virtual membership sales conversations, and events. Our TBOs have had the following to say about their sales support:
“The Field Support Trainer’s knowledge, experience and history with TAB was extensive. Also, he helped me to take TAB’s system and adapt it slightly so I sounded more authentic.”
TBO New Jersey
“The Field Support Trainer had a lot of experience and knew how to transmit it and was honest. He has mastery in member acquisition process including Discovery and RFA meetings as well as sample boards and Circle of Influence events.”
TBO, Spain
“The Field Support Trainer was a walking encyclopedia of ‘TAB How-tos’, eager to share his knowledge in a positive and constructive manner. His ability to identify issues and opportunities is way past mastery.”
TBO, South Africa
The Alternative Board Marketing develops the strategies and tactics that gets our business owners in front of key target prospects.
Being Prepared
- Collateral
- Website
- LinkedIn profile
- Lead list
- Sending eTips
- Promoting whitepapers/
webinars - Community sponsorships
- Business talks and presentations
- Public relations
Social Media Presence
Lead Generation
- Referral marketing
- Networking events
- LinkedIn prospecting
- Advertising
- Digital marketing
Mass Marketing
- Building a killer list
- Telemarketing
- Email marketing
- Direct mail
- Follow-up calling and emails
Premium Marketing
- Building a premium list
- Drop-ins
- Email marketing
- Owner-to-Owner calling
- Direct mail
- Dimensional mailers
- Circle of influence
- Special offers
- Strategic partnerships
The Alternative Boards training programme gives our Business Owners confidence and competence in recruiting new Members, and setting up their TAB Boards. In-depth training on how to deliver ongoing value utilising the full range of TAB services to ensure long term member retention. The 8-day initial training course will see the home office team guiding you through the essential areas and systems for:
Marketing for new TAB Members
Interviewing and closing new TAB Members
Using the full range of TAB tools
Facilitation techniques
Running coaching sessions
Member retention
Strategies for Board composition
Initial training is also followed by up to 8 days of in market support, which can be completed virtually if required, to help new TAB Business owners accelerate their learning and success. We are committed to ongoing learning, so for us training doesn’t end after 3 weeks, or 3 months or even 3 years. It never ends! At any time, you are able to repeat your initial training programme, at no additional charge.
TBOs also gain all of the incredible content we provide TAB Members, such as webinars and seminars on leadership.
What About Ongoing Support?
It doesn’t end after your training, we provide unmatched support throughout your membership. In fact, it just doesn’t end!
Field Support Training
Telephone support is offered daily for the first two weeks after field support training to aid the process
Ongoing Support
6 months of support provided after field support training to keep you focused on Member recruitment
Peer Board Meetings
Peer Board Meetings occur monthly with your fellow TBOs to share experience and knowledge
Group Coaching Calls
Group coaching calls weekly on Member acquisition and bi-weekly Member retention.
You’re invited to annual International TAB Franchise Owner Conferences.
On top of this, our Home Office handles all Member invoicing and debt collection for you! It also invests heavily in marketing TAB to attract leads.
This gives you the time to focus on building your business and doing the work which you love most; helping our
TAB Members grow.